Friendships on the spiritual path require caution, if we're to enjoy them
fully. Sometimes we get so involved in our relationships, that our own
individual spiritual progress is undermined. This is a mistake, because
the very purpose of friendship is to uplift, and if I am remiss in my
spiritual efforts, I will not be able to exert the positive influence of my
own most elevated state.
One should always maintain the intention of being of help to friends.
But that help needs to be pure, that is without any desire for praise,
and above any reactions of ill-feelings or sorrow. Offering this kind of
help will only further my spiritual growth.
If, on the other hand, my offer is tainted, 99% of its sweetness will be
removed, and people will notice this. In fact, it's is sweetness which
creates spiritual friendships, the willingness to listen and learn from each
other, in order to grow.