Human being believe that in order to understand they have to think.
However, to understand God you don't have to think. When it comes to
physical matters. then there's a need for thinking - you need to analyse,
to figure a thing out. But not for God. Haven't you ever had a thought
simply come to you 'out of the blue' - an intuition, or a sudden
inspiration - without any actual thinking? God gave you the inspiration. Did
you do any thinking? In one flash, God gave you that
understanding. You didn't think, but suddenly the whole thing was
clear to you, whereas under ordinary circumstances you wouldn't have
got the picture even if you had thought about it for years.
God gave you that intuition.
He touched your intellect, you heart, like light.
It is truly a wondrous thing that God can touch us in this way, while He
Himself is beyond thoughts. God does not think. God doesn't have the
need to create any thoughts. And now he is making us like Himself -
beyond wasteful and ordinary thoughts, beyond thought altogether.
Actually, there is no need to think. Thinking too much is just a habit.