Success means to reach such a constant level of positive thoughts that

pure actions happens naturally. Pure actions are like good seeds which,

when planted, produce healthy, sweet fruit

"As you sow, so shall you reap"

Concern for the quality of my actions today

ensures the Success of my tomorrow

Virtues are the mainstay in this because

Success like this requires Hope

And Hope, in today's world, requires Courage

It is a matter of working from the strength of your convictions

Which is a spiritual kind of Honesty

Balance these qualities and your path will be easy

you will  only move forward. Your Success will be assured

Courage alone does not bring success

If there's only courage, there will be ego

It's courage plus honesty which brings God's help

and that is what guarantees the Success

"God is getting it done through me"

"I am simply an instrument in this task"

These are honest thoughts which elicit

God's help and protection

Humility is the result of such honesty and courage

A life of enthusiasm, courage, honesty and humility is inspirational

It's way of helping others become Successful, too

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