There is something that you can do to help create peace in the world,
and that is to make yourself peaceful. The first step in this is an
interest in doing some real soul-searching to find out what has made you
peaceless in the first place. By turning your mind within, you discover,
underneath the many surfaced emotions of everyday life, a deep,
undisturbed pool of spiritual well-being. You need to explore that part of
the self, not just to understand it, but to experience it, again and again.
This is a very satisfying experience, one that refreshes the soul and fills it
with peace. From this vantage point, it becomes easy to recognise the
kind of thoughts and feelings which are self destructive. The power of
self-realisation will work wonders in transforming these destructive
mental habits. You will stop blaming others for your peacelessness,
and get on with the work of cultivating your truth.
Peace is made up of many things: love, patience, wisdom. You should
not be content with just a little of it, but fill yourself completely. As you
practice putting these into your interactions with others, your very
nature will become peaceful. This proves to be of benefit not only to
yourself, but to all those around you as well. Thus you are becoming a
helper in world transformation. It isn't enough for you simply to be
peaceful. You must spread the waves and create an atmosphere of peace
through your thoughts, words and interactions with others.
Our's is a peaceless world. Only when you truly adopt your
original religion of peace, can you hope to bring peace to the world.
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