Good leadership is based on skills which are incognito

Like pure feelings, faith and trust

These keep both your frame of mind and the task

moving in the right direction

It is human to err, but your high hopes for someone

can actually eliminate errors

Doubting people h as exactly the opposite effect

Believing in someone, extending feelings of trust

Never telling people what to do but

stepping aside and watching, with faith

This is what enables a task to get done in the right way

Spiritual skills like these are cultivated by

avoiding complacency, learning to be sensitive and staying alert

Keep an eye on your own spiritual health

Don't look to others for whatever is lacking, look within

See what remains to be done and do it

Never allow those with strong personalities to tell you what to do

especially when you feel something else to be right

This creates depression and you can't afford to be disheartened

Take care of yourself with understanding and love

making sure that you never compromise

your own spiritual growth

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